NOTE: has a zero tolerance policy for spam, pornography, and warez. Any sites found to contain, promote, or link to such content are subject to immediate removal from our service.

I. For purposes of this agreement,,, and United Online Web Services, Inc. may be used interchangeably.

II. cannot be held responsible for the content of pages hosted under our service. does not review pages for content before they are posted, and does not verify, endorse or otherwise take responsibility for the contents of any user-created pages. However, we reserve the right to remove any page from our servers which we determine is in violation of our rules and guidelines. Users are solely responsible for all files contained in their own directory, and can be held legally liable for the contents of their web site.

III. may terminate user accounts at any time, without notice for conduct that violates these guidelines, or for any other reason, and may terminate user accounts and delete any and all user information for conduct that believes is harmful to the business of, or any of its users, or partners. Pages found in violation of these items may be subject to immediate deletion and removal from our servers, and their webmasters subject to banishment from the network. The following is a non-exclusive list of content and behaviors that are UNACCEPTABLE on

a. Content that contains or contains links to: nudity, pornography, adult content, sex, or foul language.
b. Content that condones, promotes, contains, or links to warez, cracks, hacks, their associated utilities, or other piracy related information, whether for educational purposes or not.
c. Content that has been promoted through the sending of unsolicited e-mail (spamming) or mail fraud schemes, or pages that promote or condone the sending of unsolicited e-mail. Users who utilize resources, including e-mail addresses for spam are also subject to prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.
d. Content that commits acts of copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other intellectual property infringement.
e. Content that is racist, or otherwise extremely offensive to others, including content which aggravates, harasses, threatens, defames, or abuses others.
f. Storage of log files or non-html content, or any use of space that circumvents the display of advertising.
g. Having password-only, hidden, or restricted access pages (all web pages must be accessible to the Internet community at large). If you are interested in private or password protected pages, please check out our upgrade options.
h. Sites that exploit images of children under 18 years of age.
i. Binary files, downloads, etc. that are not linked to an html page on the users site, such that an advertising banner is displayed. Links back to files on a user's page from other sites must also link first to an html page on, which then links to the binary files.

IV. provides space for hosting web pages but makes no implied or express warranties about the reliability of this space or related services. is not responsible for any deletion, alteration, or loss of data due to network or system outages, file corruption, accidental deletion, or any other reasons. makes no guarantees as to server reliability, speed, or consistency, and cannot be held liable for such.

a. Users are responsible for regularly monitoring and creating backups of their own files, and agree to use the resources and infrastructure at their own risk. This service is provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. Neither nor its partners makes any warranty with respect to any content, information, services, or products provided through or in conjunction with this free service.
c. and its partners make no guarantee of the accuracy, correctness, or completeness of any information on these web pages and are not responsible for any errors or omissions arising from the use of such information; any failures, delays, or interruptions in the delivery of any content or services contained on our servers; or losses or damages arising from the use of the content or services provided by
d. United Online Web Services, Inc. reserves the right to include traffic generated by all web sites it hosts in its overall accounting of page views, unique users, and other usage measures. This includes providing web traffic measurement companies with all URLs hosted by United Online Web Services, Inc. for use in their projection of United Online Web Services, Inc. overall traffic.
e. may also link to or include on its web site resources and information provided by 3rd party partners and providers. We do not guarantee the reliability of this information, nor does the inclusion of this information imply our recommendation of these services; it is merely provided to assist you in the creation of your web site and provide added value to our service.
f. You agree to indemnify and its partners against any and all claims and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising from the your use of this service. This expressly includes your responsibility for any and all liability arising from the violation or infringement of proprietary rights or copyrights and any libelous or unlawful material contained within your web site.

V. is advertiser supported. As a result we ask that users be supportive of our advertisers and their advertising which helps make this service free. We require all advertising to be suited to general audiences, and make every effort to provide advertising relevant to the content of user web pages.

a. Each page is required to display a banner. An advertising banner will be displayed by default on every page served by our servers. Any attempts to undermine or avoid the display of the banner is considered a violation of this agreement and the site will be subject to immediate removal.
b. has made provisions for those users who do not desire advertising on their site to have an advertising-free site for a small monthly fee. In such cases, all other aspects of this acceptable use policy still apply.
c. Users may not display other forms of paid or exchange advertising on their site, other than through those programs and incentives offered by and its partners.

VI. Other rules and guidelines:

a. Each user is responsible for building and updating his/her web page, and regularly backing up any related data.
b. User accounts may be deleted after 60 days if there is no activity on the account, in order to free up unutilized resources.
c. Each user is requested to take only one account. Multiple accounts may be taken, but only if each site contains completely different subject matter.
d. Business sites are welcome and encouraged on
e. sites MAY be used as an entry to a non-freeservers site ONLY if an advertising banner is displayed for more than 5 seconds on the page.

VII. reserves the right to amend or change these guidelines at any time without notice.